IN THE NEWS CBCNEWS The former Guelph Correctional Centre "Some say the building is haunted. It is often an attraction for ghost story enthusiasts. Ghost Hunters of Guelph have a post about a psychic named Wanda Hewer experiencing several encounters with spirits while filming Ghost Trackers at the site." CTV HALLOWEEN SPECIAL 2015 Watch this three part special starting Wednesday,Thursday, & Friday Oct 28th-30th on CTV WANDA Talks about Haunted Guelph, A bit about the Catholic Hill Cemetery/Parking Lot, The Albion Hotel and Tunnels used by Al Capone. ******* The Guelph Mercury Guelph ghost hunter not spooked by emerging competition Special to the Mercury By Troy Bridgeman Wanda Hewer Jackson of Ghost Hunters of Guelph. GUELPH – Communing with the dead is not an easy way to make a living but a Guelph paranormal investigator is banking on her wealth of research, years of experience and a new medium to keep her business and spirits alive. read more. ******* FILMING AND PRODUCING Very Paranormal is here! Wanda Hewer Jackson is very proud to be a contributor to this new internet Channel. Watch for Ghost Hunters of Guelph on upcoming shows. ******* Nov. 26, 2012 "A ghost by any other name" "Whether it was her dolls moving spontaneously or out of body experiences, Hewer has always been subject to strange goings-on. Her interest in field investigations stemmed from a desire to understand what was happening to her." ******* "My Guelph" Magazine 2011 "Haunted Guelph" Wanda Hewer Paranormal investigator discusses Ghost Hunting in Guelph. ******* Dogs in Canada Magazine Aug. 20 2010 "Ghost Stories" ******* Article about Ghosts in the Guelph Reformatory "Things That Go Bump In A Canadian Night" published in the Algoma News. by Ron Wolf ******* The Ontarion Newspaper For University of Guelph Oct. 25, 2007 When there's something strange in our neighbourhood.......... ******* West Jet Magazine Article Oct. 2006 "It is a dark and stormy night" This article was based on our actual investigation at the Spruce Lane Farm House in Oakville, Ont. ******* Radio On Halloween morning listen to Wanda update you on recent paranormal events in the Guelph area with Glenn Pelletier on 570 News radio Kitchener. ******* If you ever wondered what makes me tick, tune into Rogers TV Cable 20.![]() |
Guelph Woodlawn Cemetary & Guelph Little Theatre
Eli Hewer Paranormal Investigator for Ghost Hunters of Guelph
Part 1. Guelph Woodlawn Cemetary The first half of this video is at the Woodlawn Cemetary where Eli Hewer maps out a vortex with dowsing rods. There have been reports that at times cars have been known to have the engines quit and then restart after passing through this vortex when the vortex is active. Part 2. Guelph Little Theatre The second part of this video is at the Guelph Little Theatre and an o rb seems to be caught on film. However it might not be a spirit orb. This could be a bug or a clump of very rapidly falling dust in a breeze. One must always be observant. Also, you must never dismiss your findings until you consider all the evidence. |
EVP Wanda Captured on Mystery Hunters Television Show
Ottawa Carlton Gaol (Short Clip)
Listen to this EVP saying "Patrick"
Captured with the Panasonic ic DR60 |
Wanda Hewer Paranormal Investigator
Episode 2 Season 1. Ghost Hunters of Guelph was brought in to investigate the OTTAWA'S OLD CARLETON COUNTY GAOL" for episode 2 of Mystery Hunters. Wanda captured EVP while being filmed live on location at the Ottawa Carleton Gaol in front of the cell on death row where Patrick James Whelan awaited hanging. Actual flying Orbs were also caught on video and still camera's. Wanda communicated with the spirit of Patrick Whelan and he spoke back by giving his name when asked. A voice is recorded and when it was played back for the sound man he was astonished! |
Masonic Temple in Toronto
CTV Chat Room for the MASONIC TEMPLE and OTTAWA Mystery Hunter Episode
Wanda Hewer is interviewed by host Seamus O'regan on CTV Television! "The Chat Room" ...Halloween night Oct. 31st 2001! alongside Patrick Cross , Ghost Hunter & Medium. They explore the red room of the Masonic Temple in Toronto. |
#1. We DO NOT condone the provocation of spirits such as is seen on various television shows.
#2. Wanda Hewer and Ghost Hunters of Guelph Team IS NOT affiliated with any person that has been visiting businesses asking if they need a ghost extraction.
#1. We DO NOT condone the provocation of spirits such as is seen on various television shows.
#2. Wanda Hewer and Ghost Hunters of Guelph Team IS NOT affiliated with any person that has been visiting businesses asking if they need a ghost extraction.
Story Submissions
Please send us your stories or pictures of ghosts, aliens or U.F.O.'s to be reviewed at [email protected] |
Home | G.H.O.G. Paranormal SHOP | Sound (EVP) | Visual (ORB) | Investigations | About us | Psychic Fairs & Events | Ufo's | Big Foot | Contests | Books I Recommend | The Guelph Correctional Centre Gaol | Ghost Hill | Jackson Homestead Guelph | Ottawa Jail
"All houses in which men have lived and died are haunted houses: through the open doors, the harmless phantoms on their errands glide, with feet that make no sound upon the floors.... By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)"
The pages and photos of are © Copyright 2000 to 2018 by Wanda Hewer All Rights Reserved
"All houses in which men have lived and died are haunted houses: through the open doors, the harmless phantoms on their errands glide, with feet that make no sound upon the floors.... By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)"
The pages and photos of are © Copyright 2000 to 2018 by Wanda Hewer All Rights Reserved