Videos of interesting or questionable findings from group members.
This investigation was during and interview for Fringe Magazine
November 2012 The Fringe Mag, Aldis Brennan
"Wanda Hewer describes the uses of the Electromagnetic Field reader in terms of ghost hunting and then demonstrates its use during a personal home investigation. The idea is that the EMF reader can pick up spiritual energy. A standard tool used by more scientifically minded investigators is the electromagnetic field (EMF) reader, which responds to electrically charged objects." Three videos were filmed during a private home investigation in Guelph, Ont. in Nov. 2012
Orbs in motion in Burlington
Shane Keleher captured this moving energy orb displaying intelligent movement and acknowledgment during Burlington Ghost Walks. This does not fit the description of a dust orb or an insect, or a flashlight or laser pointer. This tape has not been tampered with in any way.
Thank you to Burlington Ghost Walks for an awesome experience. Notice when the whirling orb turns sideways and becomes a thin line. |
Kathryn Vine-Smith captures an Orb on video on death row Carleton County Gaol, Ottawa Youth Hostle.
This one minute clip was during the Ghost Hunters of Guelph Investigation with Mystery Hunters Episode 3. This clip was taken with Kathryn's RCA Little Wonder on tape. |
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"All houses in which men have lived and died are haunted houses: through the open doors, the harmless phantoms on their errands glide, with feet that make no sound upon the floors.... By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)"
The pages and photos of are © Copyright 2000 to 2018 by Wanda Hewer All Rights Reserved
"All houses in which men have lived and died are haunted houses: through the open doors, the harmless phantoms on their errands glide, with feet that make no sound upon the floors.... By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)"
The pages and photos of are © Copyright 2000 to 2018 by Wanda Hewer All Rights Reserved