Stratford Seance -Queens Inn Stratford, ON
October 28th, 2012
Around the table with Mediums Wanda Hewer, Sally Diane, David LeForte, Mary Lynn Stevenson, and Rosie Kotyuk.
The mediums trumpet on the table makes tapping sounds to answer yes or no questions.
October 28th, 2012
Around the table with Mediums Wanda Hewer, Sally Diane, David LeForte, Mary Lynn Stevenson, and Rosie Kotyuk.
The mediums trumpet on the table makes tapping sounds to answer yes or no questions.
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"All houses in which men have lived and died are haunted houses: through the open doors, the harmless phantoms on their errands glide, with feet that make no sound upon the floors.... By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)"
The pages and photos of are © Copyright 2000 to 2018 by Wanda Hewer All Rights Reserved
"All houses in which men have lived and died are haunted houses: through the open doors, the harmless phantoms on their errands glide, with feet that make no sound upon the floors.... By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)"
The pages and photos of are © Copyright 2000 to 2018 by Wanda Hewer All Rights Reserved