The Guelph Correctional Centre - Reformatory, 785 York Road, Guelph![]() Ghost Trackers was Filming the Final Episode "The Guelph Jail". Investigation of the Guelph Correctional Centre with Wanda Hewer and Haunted Hamilton Sephanie Lechniak-Cumerlato and Daniel Cumerlato When it was built as the Provincial Penitentiary in 1909, this facility was regarded as the best equipped gaol in Canada. Architect John Lyle chose a restrained form of Classicism for the building. Above the front door is a carved relief of the scales of justice. The Ontario Correctional centre was once used as a war hospital in relation to Vimy Ridge! The correctional centre was closed in 2003, and will become part of Guelph’s York Lands redevelopment. The Ghost Trackers Van
Our picture with "Joe McLeod" The Host With The Most!
The Team, Mary, Terry, Stephanie, Dan and Wanda
Wanda is testing out the show's parabolic microphone.
Psychic Impression - "I connected almost instantly, to a young male spirit. He was directly behind me yet I could see him. He was blonde, muscular and bulky from working out. He had no shirt on and would not show me his face. He was very curious however and a little confused about why we were there and what were we doing?" - Wanda Hewer
Wanda with Sarah Steinacher, Crew member from Ghost Trackers.
3:00 pm Sun. Nov 24th 2007 by Wanda Hewer
While at the jail (The Guelph Correctional Centre) I was a psychic consultant for Ghost Trackers used for the preliminary investigation prior to the final episode shooting . This is one of my impressions Psychic Impression "I encountered two very strong ghosts. I experienced one in a triage area and I felt and became his spirit. He had burning skin and I walked around in circles in the air to try to help the pain of the burn. The other encounter was in the common room, I was working an Ouija board, with a candle and he walked up behind me with curiosity, I could see him coming towards me. I could see he was muscular and broad build without a shirt. He had fair hair but I could not see his face. "- Wanda Hewer The Gym Submitted by a previous worker “I used to go into the large gymnasium every night shift at about two in the morning to work out and I remember the last time I did, the hair stood up on the back of my neck and I ran out and vowed never to go back alone. There was an inmate that was killed down there in the early eighties and another one in the caged in room in about 2001, (metal weight bench in the head). ” While working on C2/3 cells particularly at night, the elevator door would open at the third floor and the bell would ring, but no one would be on the elevator. One officer stated to me that he remembers one night both he and his partner saw a figure dressed as an inmate run by the office in the middle of the night and when they checked all 77 cell doors they were all secured. Hospital Area and Sun-room This next story is from another worker there who read the story about the gym on my website also having had on more than one occasion a similar experience and would think, well it must be the air vents. now he is a believer The hospital area and the sun-room “Also for many years in the hospital area I would some nights see an inmate looking up the corridor or moving around in the (Sun room ) the room at the end of the corridor. And when I would go to send the inmate back to his room the Sun room would be empty never thinking it would or could be a ghost, some nights I would wonder why, am I tired? is it a refection a light in the semi darken room? Then one night a month or two before the closure I was in the health care and a young staff member was telling the night nurse how eerie the build is now that it is near empty the nurse said to the young officer. “well we have a ghost right here in the hospital and she pointed to the very spot and said he stands right there and looks up the corridor “ Shocked all I could say was have you been seeing the same thing I have been seeing? and yet I have never thought of it as being a ghost and she replied oh yes other people have seen it . Now I believe it. “ Read 3 comments below This story was sent in to me about the jail. "The last time I worked out in the large gymnasium at about two in the morning, the hair stood up on the back of my neck and I ran out and vowed never to go back alone. There was an inmate that was killed down there in the early eighties and another one in the caged in room in about 2001. At all times of the day and night, but particularly at night, the elevator door would open at the third floor and the bell would ring, but no one would be on the elevator.A figure has been seen dressed as an inmate run by the office in the middle of the night and when all 77 cell doors were checked they were all secured." December 15, 2007 --------------------- Question Can the public get acees to this to do a ghost hunt? susane | [email protected] | June 18, 2008 Answer There is security staff and video surveillance for the building. The public can not get access. You would have to be filming a tv show and speak to a representative at the city to obtain access. Wanda Hewer June 22, 2008 Psychic Impression- "This red paint marked where the line was on the floor where I felt intense anxiety and fear when approaching the red painted line. Then I heard a spirit say "you don't cross this line". As long as I was on my side of the line, I felt comfortable." - Wanda Hewer
Psychic Impression- "In this room I felt woozy and had the taste of anaesthetic in my mouth and the feeling of anaesthetic wearing off in my body." - Wanda Hewer
The Kitchen
Psychic Impression - "While I was talking to Dan, I felt a spirit walk right through me." - Wanda Hewer
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"All houses in which men have lived and died are haunted houses: through the open doors, the harmless phantoms on their errands glide, with feet that make no sound upon the floors.... By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)"
The pages and photos of are © Copyright 2000 to 2018 by Wanda Hewer All Rights Reserved
"All houses in which men have lived and died are haunted houses: through the open doors, the harmless phantoms on their errands glide, with feet that make no sound upon the floors.... By Henry Wordsworth Longfellow (1807-1882)"
The pages and photos of are © Copyright 2000 to 2018 by Wanda Hewer All Rights Reserved